American Academy of Pediatrics Certification Courses - FAQ

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is an American professional association of pediatricians, headquartered in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, and maintains its Department of Federal Affairs office in Washington, D.C. The academy was founded in 1930 by 35 pediatricians to address pediatric healthcare standards. It has 62,000 members in primary care and sub-specialist areas. Qualified pediatricians can become fellows. The academy has approximately 390 employees,[citation needed] and it runs continuing medical education (CME) programs for pediatricians and sub-specialists. The academy is divided into 14 departments and 26 divisions that assist with carrying out its mission. It has the largest pediatric publishing program in the world, with more than 300 titles for consumers and over 500 for physicians and other health-care professionals. These publications include electronic products, professional references/textbooks, practice management publications, patient education materials and parenting books. The AAP News is the academy's official newsmagazine, and Pediatrics is its flagship journal. The Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) is an educational program in neonatal resuscitation that was developed and is maintained by the American Academy of Pediatrics. This program focuses on basic resuscitation skills for newly born infants. The newest edition of NRP reflects the most current American Heart Association guidelines for resuscitation and the course format has changed considerably. In the past, a full-day course incorporated lecture, written testing and hands-on skills. Now students study independently, complete an online examination, then attend an in-person skills session. This reduces the classroom time required for the course and allows instructors to focus on the practical skills needed to resuscitate the neonate. The program is intended for healthcare providers who perform resuscitation in the delivery room or newborn nursery. Providers who take NRP are diverse in their scope of practice. The course outline is flexible to allow providers to complete specific modules directly related to their practice.