American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) - FAQ

The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) was founded in 1947 to promote the science and art of family medicine. It is one of the largest medical organizations in the United States, with over 100,000 members. The AAFP was instrumental in establishing family medicine as a recognized medical specialty; a certifying board was approved by the American Board of Medical Specialties in 1969. The AAFP is headquartered in Leawood, Kansas. The mission of the AAFP is to improve the health of patients, families and communities by serving the needs of members with professionalism and creativity.To fulfill its mission, the AAFP has four objectives: advocacy, practice enhancement, education and health of the public. In its advocacy efforts, the AAFP shapes health care policy through interactions with government, the public, business and the health care industry. Areas of advocacy include advancing health care for all, promoting the Patient-Centered Medical home model of care, and increasing the family physician workforce. The AAFP helps its members fulfill their practice and career goals by assisting their practices in becoming designated Patient-Centered Medical Homes, promoting practice transformation through education and communication, and assisting members in achieving financial success through optimal practice management. The AAFP offers its physician, resident, and student members Continuing Medical Education on topics related to family medicine. The AAFP promotes increased funding for undergraduate, graduate and continuing medical education, and strives to develop mechanisms that will increase the Part II maintenance of certification passing rate of family medicine residency graduates. To better the health of the public, the AAFP aims to take a leadership role in health promotion, disease prevention and chronic disease management. The AAFP works to involve family physicians in public health activities such as tobacco cessation, obesity prevention, and encouraging exercise and immunizations. The AAFP provides patients with free educational resources on its consumer health site. In 1992, the AAFP began offering membership to osteopathic physicians (DO) who completed residencies approved by the American Osteopathic Association. The AAFP is governed by a Congress of Delegates composed of two delegates from each of its 55 constituent chapters, as well as from resident and student groups, new physicians, and the special constituencies (women, minorities, international medical graduates, and GLBTs). The Congress meets annually immediately prior to the Academy's Scientific Assembly and has sole power to establish policies and define principles. These policies are carried out between annual meetings by the Board of Directors and a number of standing and special commissions and committees. Delegates to the Congress of Delegates elect the Board, which in turn appoints commission and committee members. Constituent chapters are organized similarly.

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