First Aid, CPR and AED Course - Frequently Asked Question

Your AHA eCard will be sent within 72 hours of course completion.Click on the link to watch a video about how to self-claim your eCard.Click on the link to watch a video about how to claim your eCard from the email sent by AHA.

If you have previously claimed an eCard, it can be found by visiting Under the section titled "Students," input your name and email address OR your eCard credential ID, and then click "Search." You will be prompted to enter the answer to the security question you created upon claiming your eCard.

The Heartsaver First Aid, CPR and AED Course is a modular course that teaches CPR and AED as well as First Aid for lay rescuers. The first module teaches the basic techniques of adult CPR and use of an AED. Child AED and infant/child CPR may be taught if students live or work in a setting where children are present. Students also learn to use barrier devices in CPR and give first aid for choking in the responsive victim. The course teaches how to recognize the signs of 3 major emergencies: heart attack, stroke, and choking. The second module is First Aid which includes rescuer safety, the basics of dealing with contaminated items, injury emergencies and medical emergencies. This class is NOT designed for healthcare providers such as nurses, EMTs or Physicians.

Cascade offers First Aid, CPR & AED courses by multiple credentialing bodies, including American Heart Association and National Safety Council. If the course is designated "Heartsaver," this will always refer to an AHA course. If you are unsure what type of course you need or whether you are registered for a course through the appropriate credentialing body, please contact our Training Center staff at 877-277-6778.