Emergency Nurses Pediatric Course (ENPC) - FAQ

ENPC is a 16-hour course designed to provide core-level pediatric knowledge and psychomotor skills needed to care for pediatric patients in the emergency setting. The course presents a systematic assessment model, integrates the associated anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology, and identifies appropriate interventions. Triage categorization and prevention strategies are included in the course content. ENPC is taught using a variety of formats, including lectures, videotapes and includes skill stations that encourage participants to integrate their psychomotor abilities into a patient situation in a risk-free setting.

Registered nurses (or equivalent as defined in each country outside of the United States) are the only health care providers eligible for ENPC verification. Course Directors may elect to allow non-RN participants into a Provider course, at their discretion. Non-RN participants who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate of attendance with the appropriate number of nursing Contact Hours awarded, but will not receive a verification card or verification status.