Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC)

Cascade is pleased to provide TNCC courses as a 100% live virtual course option to reach providers anywhere in the world.

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Virtual TNCC Courses

ENA developed and implemented the TNCC training certification for national and international dissemination as a means of identifying a standardized body of trauma nursing knowledge. The TNCC (Provider) is a 16 or 20-hour course designed to provide the learner with cognitive knowledge and psychomotor skills.

TNCC Course Content includes The Trauma Nursing Core Course and Trauma Nursing Epidemiology, Biomechanics and Mechanisms of Injury, Initial Assessment, Airway and Ventilation, Shock, Brain and Cranial Trauma Ocular, Maxillofacial, and Neck Trauma, Thoracic Trauma, Abdominal Trauma, Spinal Cord and Vertebral Column Trauma, Musculoskeletal Trauma, Surface and Burn Trauma, Special Populations: Pregnant, Pediatric, and Older Adult Trauma Patients, Disaster Management, Psychosocial Aspects of Trauma Care, Transition of Care for the Trauma Patient and Demonstration of the Trauma Nursing Process Station.

Skill Stations include: Trauma Nursing Process Teaching Stations, Airway and Ventilation Interventions Teaching Stations, Spinal Protection, Helmet Removal, and Splinting Physical Assessment Station. Successful completion of the course includes scoring 80% or greater on the multiple choice examination and demonstrating all critical steps and 70% of the total points in the evaluated skill stations.

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