National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) Educational Programs - FAQ

The National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) is a national emergency medical services professional association representing EMTs and Paramedics. The NAEMT educational programs also have an international scope. The mission statement of NAEMT (from their web site) "is to represent and serve emergency medical services personnel through advocacy, educational programs and research." Founded in 1975, the association is composed of multiple committees and has developed three curriculums for EMS providers: Advanced Medical Life Support, Prehospital Trauma Life Support, and Emergency Pediatric Care.

Cascade currently offers PHTLS and AMLS at some of our Training Centers. All of our locations will be offering the Bleeding Control (B-CON) courses in the near future as well. Detailed information on class availability can be found on this website by selecting the "Find A Class" link.