TNCC-Trauma Nurse Core Course - FAQ

TNCC, widely recognized as the premier course for hospitals and trauma centers worldwide, empowers nurses with the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and hands-on training to provide expert care for trauma patients. ?Rapid identification of life-threatening injuries ?Comprehensive patient assessment ?Enhanced intervention for better patient outcomes ENA developed The Trauma Nursing Core Course to establish a standardized body of trauma nursing knowledge and to improve the care of all trauma patients. This seventh edition course combines interactive learning with scenario-based assessments to give nurses a comprehensive learning experience. The first few minutes of trauma care are critical to achieve better patient outcomes. The A – I mnemonic and the Trauma Nursing Assessment will assist nurses in providing appropriate and early intervention. Three Psychomotor skill stations offer nurses the opportunity to practice the systematic approach of the initial assessment in real life situations. The skill stations covered are Trauma Nursing Process, Airway and Ventilation, and Trauma Interventions. TNCC is a 2-Day Intensive Course that is taught by expert instructors. There is a faculty ratio of approximately one faculty per four learners. The most current course contains evidence-based content developed by trauma experts to reinforce and supplement the lectures and skill stations. It is a compilation of current trauma nursing standards and is a valuable resource for future reference.

Registered nurses (or equivalent as defined in each country outside of the United States) are the only health care providers eligible for TNCC verification. Course Directors may elect to allow non-RN participants into a Provider course, at their discretion. Non-RN participants who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate of attendance with the appropriate number of nursing Contact Hours awarded, but will not receive a verification card or verification status.

Successful completion of the course requires 80% or greater on the multiple choice exam and 70% or greater on the skill station evaluation.

RN Candidates with successful completion will receive the ENA TNCC 4 year provider verification card. All attendees will be awarded contact hour certificate with appropriate contact hours. 17.65 contact hours are awarded for course completion.